The Veritek Process is an advanced Nano-Technology process invented by Jim Wilkinson based on discoveries he made in the late 1980s. Since then, we have developed process equipment and generated successful results on different applications with 3rd party test data to verify our results.
Our second generation prototype is complete and we are starting beta production testing with black sands and other mined ores for metals extraction applications.
In 2011 our Coal processing division won the CleanTech Open top company award for the Rocky Mountain Region. The CleanTech open is a National competition of clean technology companies. Awards are based on strength of the company and technology as well as “investability”.
The minerals division is currently in a beta launch phase for concentration and extraction of metals from mined ores.
Our capabilities internally include:
microscopic inspection
X-ray Flourescent analysis
Chemical digestion and extraction
Fire Assay
Advanced gravity separation technology
Nano-Technology concentration and liberation of metals from complex matrices
Note: We are not a certified analytical laboratory.